Product Detail :
Two Year Service Contract for Application of Insulation & Cladding Sheet Service for Boiler & TG, OPGC-II. Replacement of Fire Fighting 300/250/200/150 NB Pipe at Different Locations Inside the Plant Area under CAPEX Project of FY 2024-25. Extension of HCSD Pipe Line at Ash Pond, Tilia of U 3&4. Safety Punch Points of Ash Conveying Line Maintenance, AHP, Unit 3&4. Construction of Boundary Wall Kalyan Mandap of Telenpali Village. Construction of Community Centre at Nuapada Village. Supply of Manpower, Machinery for Cleaning, Housekeeping at Ash Handling System & AWRS System of OPGC-II and Ash Rake Loading for Period of One Year. Servicing of C&S LT Breaker during AOH U 3. Servicing of BHEL HT Breaker during AOH U 3. Painting of CMT, Learning Center & C-Type Block Near Learning Center at ITPS Colony. Construction of Maintenance Shed and Bike Stand at CHP-2. Construction of Balance Ironite Flooring in Power House of Unit 3&4. Construction of Balance Ironite Flooring in TPs, Crusher House & Some BOP Buildings for Unit 3&4. Construction of Balance Plant Roads & Strom Water Drain for Unit 3&4. Construction of Balance Sanitary & Plumbing Works in Toilets in BOP area of Unit 3&4.