Ref. No. : 73358281   
Overhead Equipment Tenders, Project Management Services Tenders, Rail Accessories Tenders, Telecommunication Stores Tenders
Overhead Equipment Tenders, Project Management Services Tenders, Rail Accessories Tenders, Telecommunication Stores Tenders
Tender Corrigendum :
Tender Corrigendum PublicationCompany Web Site - Internet
Tender Corrigendum Document Can be download by Subscribers
Company Name : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Product Detail : Engineering, Procurement And Construction (EPC) Agreement For Design , Supply , Erection , Testing , Commissioning Of 2x25 Kv OHE & PSI System (TSS,SP & SSPS) Including Engineering & Telecommunication Works Between Vyasa Colony (Excl.) (Ch0019) And Amaravathi Colony (Excl.) (Ch0135) Of VC-AVC Section (116 RKM/131.30 TKM)
Tender Detail : Engineering, Procurement and Construction (epc) Agreement for Design , Supply , Erection , Testing , Commissioning of 2x25 Kv Ohe & Psi System (tss,sp & Ssps) Including Engineering & Telecommunication Works Between Vyasa Colony (excl.) (ch:0019) and Amaravathi Colony (excl.) (ch:0135) of Vc-avc Section (116 Rkm/131.30 Tkm)
Tender Location : Multi State - India
Document Path : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Tender Closing Date : 28/10/2024 at 00:00 Hrs.
Address : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Sub-Industry/Industry : Railways Transport Services - Transport Services   
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