| Sector | abcBusiness Consultancy | Tender Value | N.A. | Location | Haryana - India | Ref.No | 79346129 | Closing Date | 08 - Dec - 2025 | | | Auction Sale of Property Landed Property Measuring 24 Kanal 13 Marlas and 30 Kanal 17 Marlas Total 55 Kanal 10 Marla Or 6.94 Acres Or 33, 577.5 Sq. Yards Situated at Village Jatwar, Tehsil Shahjadpur Earlier Tehsil Naraingarh, Distt. Ambala Khewat No. 127//109, Khatauni No. 168, Khasra No. 61/19, 20, 21, 22, 23%3b 67/1, 2, 3. |
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